Nile Energy Solutions & Systems Solution Management
The history of Nile Energy Solutions started with Systems Solution Management
As a parent company. Systems Solution Management, Inc., (SSM) was founded in 1998 under the business principles in dealing with integrity and deliver a professional service. Initially, we did offer our clienteles in designing and structure data management system and BI technology service. In Later years, we implement additional services for international clientele, in the area of Business Management, Economics, and Strategic Business Development, Systems Design and Software Development & Renewable Tech research and development.
Both NES & SSM as one, as strategic partners are empowered with a greater idea, driven by a innovation and dedication for quality service providing its clientele the best solution to every challenge it encounters. Over the years, its management has earned versatile experiencing working with various strategic business partners in banking and financial application, management & Information Technology companies & design and manufacturing.
Introducing Nile Energy Solutions into days Renewable Solar power industry, its task will be designing a multi panel products, and manufacturing for the US market, made in USA with some parts of our partners, right in Pennsylvania and install our panels withing our in-house master electrician and PV specialist department. Currently, we are developing, various departments specializing in installation, in construction and, engineering, & electrical department. While continue to provide services with our partners, in leading the following products and services in the Energy industry such as, Electricity supply & Natural Gas Contracts: Energy Efficiency Projects: Energy efficiency Capacity, Grants & Rebates: Demand Response: & in Solar Panel Energy there will be a ground -mounted, floating and roof installation services.
In addition, Systems Solution is working in, researching, in innovation and developing applications and networking systems in solar power projects as well as extending a project phase study & consulting in our community housing project in USA and in the continent of Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Somaliland and other neighbor countries, with extensive study of upgrading the old antiquated electrical supply system, providing an efficient power supply and installing Solar Renewable Energy.